카테고리 없음

<독성 산화 그래핀 포함> 백신이 안전하거나 효과적이지 않은 이유를 명확히 설명하는 의사들

낙엽군자 2021. 11. 8. 22:30


동지한식백오제 105년만에 공개된 운암강수만경래 경만장 안내성 성도 私家에 전한


임술생 문왕 사명자 3父子 都安 초,중,말복(壬戌, 甲午, 丙申)  세살림 司命旗 엠불럼(emblem) 로고.
초중말복 5진주 세명(5진주를 율곡은 <참 5>인 <달고나 참외>로 표현 ). 5+5+5(6)=15(16).마지막 5진주는 판모리 6서시. 따라서 15진주 수는 참5 달고나 참외 5진주 3명이 합해 이루어지며(1,3,5,7,9 양수의 황극수5를 취한 것) 마지막 5진주는 음수 2,4,6,8,10의 후천 황극수 6도 가능하므로 한 끗수가 튄 16수도 된다. 말하자면 마지막 말복 5황극수 진주는 11귀체에 의해 11성도에 대한 5의 보수 6도 되므로 15진주, 16진주수도 되는 것이다.


<통합경전>다음 밴드에 들어가면 전체 파일 다운됩니다. 비회원 입장 가능.엄밀히 말하면 동지한식백오제 105년만에 밝혀지는 '천지공사 진법을 설명해주는 안내서'로 <통합경전 서문>입니다.<통합경전> 전체는 본문 포함 기독교 신구약 두배가 넘는 분량입니다.

 통합경전 에센스 다이제스트PDF:

에센스 축약다이제스트통합경전.pdf


동지한식백오제 진법의 종통

2021년 11월 8일 오후 7:52 


유튜브 등 딥스 카발이 주인인 빅테크에서 반 백신정책 의견

전문가 동영상은 철저히 규제 ,삭제 처리함을 참고로 할 것.


백신이 안전하거나 효과적이지 않은 이유를 명확히 설명하는 의사들


Awakening Ethiopia

‼️MASSIVE DUMP‼️ - Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm 2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL 3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s 4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - htt


Awakening Ethiopia‼️MASSIVE DUMP‼️ - Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL

3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http://bit.ly/1MPVbjx

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http://bit.ly/17sKDbf


6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http://bit.ly/1LLEjf6


7. Dr. Toni Bark - http://bit.ly/1CYM9RB


8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http://bit.ly/1MuyNzo


9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http://bit.ly/1DGzJsc


10. Dr.t.me

Awakening Ethiopia
‼️MASSIVE DUMP‼️ - Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm 2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL 3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s 4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - htt

Nancy Banks on VaccinesNancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination.See more in-depth conversations and investigative reports at http://garynull.tvwww.youtube.com

1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm

Nancy Banks on VaccinesNancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination.See more in-depth conversations and investigative reports at http://garynull.tvwww.youtube.com

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL


3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http://bit.ly/1MPVbjx

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http://bit.ly/17sKDbf

6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http://bit.ly/1LLEjf6

7. Dr. Toni Bark - http://bit.ly/1CYM9RB

8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http://bit.ly/1MuyNzo

9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http://bit.ly/1DGzJsc

Meryl Nass on VaccinesMeryl Nass, M.D., Internal Medicine, Anthrax Vaccine, and Gulf War Syndrome Expert speaks out on vaccines.www.youtube.com

10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - http://bit.ly/1G9ZXYl

371 - Immunity, Infectious Disease, and Vaccination - Raymond ObomsawinWhy do vaccine shots pose serious physical, mental, and behavioral dangers in humans? Raymond Obomsawin gives a historical overview of human attempts to crea...www.youtube.com

11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - http://bit.ly/1MrVeUL

12. Dr. Robert Rowen - http://bit.ly/1SIELeF

Are Vaccinations Dangerous For You And Your Children And Aging ParentsTo get your questions answered visit Dr. Rowen's website http://robert-rowen-md.com. Type in your search words in the search box. Dr. Rowen understands when ...www.youtube.com

13. Dr. David Ayoub - http://bit.ly/1SIELve

Dr. David Ayoub discusses vaccine safety issues and autism causation.In this 2006 lecture, Dr. David Ayoub discusses his research into vaccine safety issues, particularly where autism is concerned.www.youtube.com

14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - http://bit.ly/1KsdVby

15. Dr. Rashid Buttar - http://bit.ly/1gWOkL6

Part 1: Mercury Toxicity & AutismMercury Toxicity & Autism Part 1Dr. Boyd Haley is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Hal...www.youtube.com

16. Dr. Roby Mitchell - http://bit.ly/1gdgEZU

Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert!Dr. Roby Mitchell, M.D. (www.drfitt.com) issues a retraction to nurses he originally advised to get the H1N1 flu vaccination. After reading the insert of th...www.youtube.com

17. Dr. Ken Stoller - http://bit.ly/1MPVqLI

18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - http://bit.ly/1LLEqHH

19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - http://bit.ly/1OHbLDI

20. Dr. David Davis - http://bit.ly/1gdgJwo

21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - http://bit.ly/16Z7k6J

Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and VaccinationDr Tetyana Obukhanych is the author of Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do to Regain Our Health. In her boo...www.youtube.com

22. Dr. Harold E Buttram - http://bit.ly/1Kru6Df

Harold Buttram, MD, FAACPHarold Buttram, MD , FAACP Web : http://www.woodmed.com/ Editor : http://www.medicalveritas.com Quotes Book s [2011] Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis ? by Harold Buttram, MD , FAACP and Christina England [2011] A Commentary on Current Childhood Vaccine Programs by Harold E. But...www.whale.to

23. Dr. Kelly Brogan - http://bit.ly/1D31pfQ


A Shot Never Worth Taking: The Flu Vaccine ~ by Kelly Brogan, MD

Deep into my 6th year of researching and investigating the damning science that condemns vaccine efficacy and safety – yes, all of them – I am beginning to turn my attention more to the societal memes and the individual belief systems that protect and


A Shot Never Worth Taking: The Flu Vaccine ~ by Kelly Brogan, MDI understand, now, that, my collection of PubMed articles substantiating concerns about inefficacy, neurological, autoimmune, and fatal risks of these poorly conceived and anachronistically relevant immune modulators is not meaningful to someone who is not interested. The questions raised by this...www.whale.to

24. Dr. RC Tent - http://bit.ly/1MPVwmu

The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have VirusesWWW.PLOTTPALMTREES.COM PRODUCTIONSThe Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuDvRS...www.youtube.com

25. Dr. Rebecca Carley - http://bit.ly/K49F4d

Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass DestructionDr.Rebecca Carley.ADVERSE REACTIONS to immunizations are more common than many people realize.Please visit her website: https://www.vaccinefree.info/dr-rebec...www.youtube.com

26. Dr. Andrew Moulden - http://bit.ly/1fwzKJu


Your Child. Your Choice.

Are vaccines right for your child? Go to VacTruth.com and instantly download free life-saving information.


Your Child. Your Choice.Are vaccines right for your child? Go to VacTruth.com and instantly download free life-saving information.vactruth.com

27. Dr. Jack Wolfson - http://bit.ly/1wtPHRA
28. Dr. Michael Elice - http://bit.ly/1KsdpKA
29. Dr. Terry Wahls - http://bit.ly/1gWOBhd

30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff - http://bit.ly/1OtWxAY


31. Dr. Paul Thomas - http://bit.ly/1DpeXPf
32. Many doctors talking at once - http://bit.ly/1MPVHOv


Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. – Preserve Medical Freedom – Vaccines Linked to Autism - Vaccine Impact

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics who resides in Oregon. He took time out to attend the public hearing before the Oregon Senate Committee on Health Care, regarding Bill SB 442. This bill was written by


Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERSBaxter Patent H1N1-http://www.scribd.com/doc/17458061/Baxter-Vaccine-Patent-ApplicationAre vaccines today more dangerous, in some cases, than the diseases? H...www.youtube.com

33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient - http://bit.ly/1MXX7pb
35. Dr. Richard Deth - http://bit.ly/1GQDL10

Vaccine-autism link New investigation - Heather McLennand & Dr. Richard DethAutism mother Heather McLennand and Northeastern Professor Dr. Richard Deth discuss the new study of the autism cases in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Prog...www.youtube.com

36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - http://bit.ly/1eqiPr5

- YouTubeYouTube에서 마음에 드는 동영상과 음악을 감상하고, 직접 만든 콘텐츠를 업로드하여 친구, 가족뿐 아니라 전 세계 사람들과 콘텐츠를 공유할 수 있습니다.www.youtube.com

37. Dr Chris Shaw - http://bit.ly/1IlGiBp
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie - http://bit.ly/1CqqN83
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block - http://bit.ly/1OHcyUX


Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children - Vaccine Impact

I am a mother first and a pediatrician second. This I have never forgotten. I cannot parent in ways that make me uncomfortable, to make others comfortable. There are pros and cons to vaccinations. As my training in holistic medicine continues, I rest easie



The Aluminum Threat: An Interview With Chris Shaw

By Anne Dachel In 2008, well-known pediatrician, Robert Sears had a story published in Mothering Magazine titled, Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? Sears had become concerned about the level of aluminum (Al) children were being exposed to in the ever-expandi


The Block Center - Hurst, TX - Dr. Mary Ann Blockhttp://www.BlockCenter.com An international medical clinic, where medical director and top-selling author of No More ADHD, Dr. Mary Ann Block offers a unique...www.youtube.com

40. Dr. David Brownstein - http://bit.ly/1EaHl9A
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan - http://bit.ly/1wOk4Zz
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
43. Dr. Philip Incao - http://bit.ly/1ghE7sS
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola - http://bit.ly/18dE38I
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - http://bit.ly/1MaX0cC
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson - http://bit.ly/1JpAEQr
47. Dr Theresa Deisher https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6Bc6WX33SuE
48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic - http://bit.ly/1vvQJ2W
2. The Greater Good - http://bit.ly/1icxh8j
3. Shots In The Dark - http://bit.ly/1ObtC8h
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth - http://bit.ly/KEYDUh
5. Vaccine Nation - http://bit.ly/1iKNvpU
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines - http://bit.ly/1vlpwvU
7. Lethal Injection - http://bit.ly/1URN7BJ
8. Bought - http://bit.ly/1M7YSlr
9. Deadly Immunity - http://bit.ly/1KUg64Z
10. Autism - Made in the USA - http://bit.ly/1J8WQN5
11. Beyond Treason - http://bit.ly/1B7kmvt
12. Trace Amounts - http://bit.ly/1vAH3Hv
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate - http://bit.ly/1KbXhuf

9 hour court case


1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)

- http://bit.ly/1vvQJ2W

2. The Greater Good - (2011)


3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)


4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)


5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)


6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -


7. Lethal Injection - http://bit.ly/1URN7BJ

8. Bought - (2015)


9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)


10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)

- http://bit.ly/1J8WQN5

11. Beyond Treason - (2005)


12. Trace Amounts - (2014)


13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -


14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)
