카테고리 없음

Sidney Powell의 메시지-트럼프 대통령 빅테크 CEO 제소하다, Alan Dershowitz and Gregg Jarrett 설명 동영상

낙엽군자 2021. 7. 11. 10:01


동지한식백오제 105년만에 공개된 운암강수만경래 경만장 안내성 성도 私家에 전한임술생 문왕 사명자 3父子 都安 초,중,말복(壬戌, 甲午, 丙申) 세살림 司命旗 엠불럼(emblem) 로고.초중말복 5진주 세명. 5+5+5(6)=15(16).마지막 5진주는 판모리 6서시.

<통합경전>다음 밴드에 들어가면 전체 파일 다운됩니다. 비회원 입장 가능.엄밀히 말하면 동지한식백오제 105년만에 밝혀지는 '천지공사 진법을 설명해주는 안내서'로 <통합경전 서문>입니다.<통합경전> 전체는 본문 포함 기독교 신구약 두배가 넘는 분량입니다. http://band.us/#!/band/61758246



에센스 축약다이제스트통합경전.pdf



안원전 德在於道 化在於德

2021년 7월 10일 오후 7:16


Sidney Powell의 메시지

July 9, 2021

Good News Friday - July 9. 


Dear Patriots,

It has been a short week! it is already Good News Friday! Summer is flying by.


We have numerous stories, some big, some small, that show there is wind at our backs as we fight to restore our country.



1- President Trump is leading a class action suit against Facebook, Twitter and Google and their CEOs. 


For years now we have watched Congressional Committees haul Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Pichai up to The Hill and then lay into them on how they do business. But Congress has yet to do more than make huffy idle threats.


In marches Trump, fighting for our FREE SPEECH against the biggest monopolies on earth. Like Trump or not, he is the only politician stepping up and taking on the fight to protect our 1st Amendment rights.


As Trump said at the press conference, "If they can do this to me, they can do it to you." 


Trump is the leader of one of two political parties in a two party political system. Big Tech has removed him from the conversation. As such, we only get ONE point of view and the left is never challenged.


The Fake News and everyone else is ignoring, mocking and playing this lawsuit down but it is a big deal. 


* If you missed it, watch the whole press conference. It is very informative.


Trump Sues Big TechClass action lawsuit against Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebookrumble.com


* Also, this video of Alan Dershowitz and Gregg Jarrett is a good explanation of the law suit.


Alan Dershowitz: Trump's Case Pits Free Speech Against the First AmendmentIn a fascinating interview, Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz argues that Trump's case is the most important First Amendment case of the 21st century.rumble.com


* 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN — Joe Biden Lucky to Get 1,000


192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN -- Joe Biden Lucky to Get 1,000President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday morning his lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook and Google. The press conference took place at 11 AM Eastern. Over 192,000 Americans watched President Trump’s speech live on the RSBN Rumble channel. 192,000! Trump gets 178,000 to watch his speech. Joe Biden is lucky to get  1,200 people watching him at…www.thegatewaypundit.com






2- Twitter has competition. Finally, it looks like we may have a spot on the internet where you can not get disappeared or cancelled.   GETTR
(Get Together) is a direct competitor to Twitter worldwide. 


Check it out and if you like it, open an account. All of your property from your Twitter account can be transferred. -  

GETTR - The Marketplace of IdeasGETTR is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture.” With best in class technology, our goal is to create a marketplace of ideas in order to share freedom and democracy around the world.gettr.com





3- The Audits are on the move. It is becomes harder to ignore the obvious every day.


BREAKING: PA Asks For Forensic Election Audit - Creative Destruction Media---July 7, 2021

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano has just formally asked for a forensic audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 U.S. general election due to obvious evidence of massive election fraud.





4- This is a wonderful and hopeful presentation by Dr Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors. She is a brave warrior!


This presentation is from April 2021 but it is still packed with worthwhile information. 



Dr. Gold: AwakenPresentation - Awaken, by Dr. Goldrumble.com


For more information on America's Frontline Doctors go here: 



America Frontline DoctorsRestoring Peace & Protecting from harm American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear. Welcome towww.americasfrontlinedocs.com





5- One of the last real reporters in this country, John Solomon, outlines the many ways that Democrats are losing on Election Integrity in court.

Democrats dug themselves an election integrity hole, courts may bury them in it From Supreme Court justices to district judges, Biden's early Jim Crow narrative getting cold shoulder in early rulings. - Just The News John Solomon July 7 2021

For months now, President Biden and key Democrats have waged endless battle against state laws designed to improve the integrity of elections, ones that make voting easier and cheating harder.

From the start, the mission was complicated since its message ran smack into strong American sentiments in the court of public opinion: Polling shows three quarters of Americans support integrity measures like voter ID that Biden called "Jim Crow in the 21st century."

Now the Democrat train has run into a similar harsh reality in the courts of law, where justices and judges alike have concluded integrity measures aren't unconstitutional if they aren't designed to suppress based on race or skin color or socio-economic status.

The latest blow to the Jim Crow 2.0 argument was delivered Wednesday, when a federal judge refused to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Georgia's new election integrity law.





6- Three issues pushed by Democrats: Defund the Police, Critical Race Theory, and Voter ID have blown up in the Left's faces. It turns out that polling shows the majority of Americans think the Democrat's positions on these are horrible. So, what do the Dems do?


They have started trying to convince people that the Republicans are the ones have promoted them. Don't let them get away with this! Hold firm on supporting our police, ditching propaganda in schools and urging Voter ID Laws.


It is because you are holding fast on these issues in your communities that the polling is so bad for the Dems.

Desperate Dems Deny Their Agenda Three Times - July 8 2021  Issues and Insights Editorial Board

After spending the better part of the year talking up a "defund the police" agenda, Democrats are now trying to claim that it's Republicans who want to strip the police of their resources.


Meanwhile, even as the left pushes the Marxist "critical race theory" into the nation's schools, military and private sector, it's denying what it's doing. Why is the left trying to gaslight America on this? Because, for one, an increasing number of parents are in open revolt over this noxious propaganda. 


Then there's the issue of voter ID laws. Up until just days ago, Democrats were united in decrying voter ID laws as racist attempts to suppress minority


Now, suddenly, they are all more accepting of the idea, if not openly endorsing it. But instead of admitting that their past opposition to this common-sense reform was a wrongheaded attempt at race-baiting, Democrats are pretending that they never opposed voter ID laws.




There are many places to look to see that all is not lost. Keep fighting in your communities on all fronts. 


Share information.




Have a pleasant weekend we will have more for you next week.




Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken


P.S.  We are just going to leave you with this little gem.   On Thursday, Michael Avenatti was sentenced to 2.5 years in jail.

Watch the Fake News slobber over this criminal.


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Sidney Powell | Author of the Bestseller Licensed to LieSidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor and current attorney of General Michael T. Flynn. A veteran of 500 federal appeals, she published "LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice." She serves as senior adviser to America First Policies and senior fellow forwww.sidneypowell.com